+20 2 226 98 557, +20 111155 6599

الخدمات الفرعية

  • Firm’s establishment, Initiating accounting and document cycles
  • Audit of firm accounts, systems and applying of authority matrix, and issuing of high slandered financial statements,
  • Tax and tax disputes consultations,
  • Supporting and developing the internal audit department
  • Firm’s restructuring, expansion, transformation, downsizing and firm liquidation,
  • Feasibility studies and capital investment decision support
  • Cost reduction and cost accounting and pricing systems initiation and supports
  • Financial reports
  • ERP selection, implementation support


Auditing is not only a profession, it is knowledge, art, accumulated experience and an accounting sense. The auditor should not limit his skills to the theoretical aspects, but he should dive into the depths of the industry and the production or manufacturing process of the entity that audits its financial accounts.

 The experience of mechanical, engineering and electrical, but expertise in tools, equipment, purchases, prices and quality of raw materials and products and the flow of operations itself helps him to understand the nature of work and methods of review and evaluation of the cost and pricing systems used in the company, in addition to the level of professional and technical advanced and continuing education and keep abreast of all variables and everything New standards and tax laws, leading to an accounting and technical review of a high level of professional realism and advise on reducing costs and benefit from laws and harmonization with regional and international standards, and this is what most Recognizes the ِASGS.