+20 2 226 98 557, +20 111155 6599

الخدمات الفرعية

  • Firm’s establishment, Initiating accounting and document cycles
  • Audit of firm accounts, systems and applying of authority matrix, and issuing of high slandered financial statements,
  • Tax and tax disputes consultations,
  • Supporting and developing the internal audit department
  • Firm’s restructuring, expansion, transformation, downsizing and firm liquidation,
  • Feasibility studies and capital investment decision support
  • Cost reduction and cost accounting and pricing systems initiation and supports
  • Financial reports
  • ERP selection, implementation support


Full knowledge of the tax laws, amendments and new regulations avoids the client (the company under review) a lot of sunken costs and expenses, and the SGS is not only satisfied with the great practical and scientific expertise, but is also rich in large and large relations that lead to smooth flow of performance and access to Goals with lowest costs.